In January Mark Peterson and Rob Godby, along with their colleague Dave Feldman conducted a survey of approximately 400 Wyoming residents regarding their preferences over six budget policy initiative in preparation for the upcoming legislative session. The policy choices reflect the decisions legislators face in the 2023-2024 budget – whether to increase of decrease personal taxes paid by Wyoming residents, increase or decrease K-12 funding, increase or decrease agency funding. While the state currently faces a budget surplus due to high energy prices and federal aid dollars received during the pandemic, its also faces a long-term structural deficit in future years due to the state’s dependence on fossil fuel revenues and anticipated declines in production in those markets.
This is an update to previous surveys University of Wyoming has done and the presentation will describe what Wyoming voters preferences were in mid-January 2022 over budgetary choices legislators debated in the 2022 session as compared to preferences to previous similar surveys they have conducted and presented to WTA membership. Join us to discuss their current research.
Bio – Dr. Rob Godby, University of Wyoming, Interim Dean of College of Business